How to upgrade XenMobile server ?

To upgrade Citrix XenMobile 10.0 to XenMobile 10.1, take the following steps;
Go to and download the Upgrade Tool from older version to the targetted one
Login as Administrator on the XenMobile web console and navigate to Configure > Settings > Release Management
On the Release Management page click on Update
Browse to the downloaded update (.bin file) and click Update
After the upload is complete the dialog above will be displayed. Click OK
The final step is to reboot the XenMobile server. Login as Admin in the command line interface.
Choise option 2
Choise option 7
Enter Y to reboot the server
During reboot the update will be applied
After te reboot you can check the current version of the XenMobile server on the Release Management page (or at the bottom of the login page)